Art Direction

FUI design for film representing an object of endless data complexity.



The HEX Object is meant to be a highly complex array of data that could be used by a future society to manage everything from citizen registration to FTL travel. It needed to feel somewhat alien, but beautiful and universally understandable in its structure and control schemes. My take on the brief poses a concept where a sphere acts as a controller for the user (either like a joystick for small scale usage or a Cerebro-esque chamber to navigate with at a large scale). The controller would target and expand individual nodes of data within the vast array and allow the user to view and manipulate the information inside.


Behind the Scenes

Here you can see some of the moments that went into making these designs happen. It reveals some of the thinking and look development that occurred while figuring out how to work in this complicated new medium.


NOT Aligne: VIV